Opinions509 Magazine

Une Vision globale de la Beauté et de la Culture Haïtienne

How Doing Things With Others Minimizes Burden On YOU

doing things with others

Doing Things With Others, Minimizes Burden On YOU.

Are you someone who has a To-do-list and expect to get all of it completed before the day is over, no matter what? Do you like to “work-like-a-dog” and feel that you must do things a certain way, if not it will not get done properly? Today I want to share with you, how doing things with others, minimizes the burden on YOU.


Burden-that which is borne with difficulty; obligation;
Doing Things With Others, Minimizes Burden On YOU.
Doing Things With Others, Minimizes Burden On YOU.

I like to “work-like-a-dog.” What does that mean? Basically, I like to put loads and loads of tasks to complete each day and I expect to meet every deadline, be energized, and accomplish all things planned for the day. I am someone that will not only expect me to rise up to every problem, task and occasion; I am determined to do it MY way if not, the tasks will not be done properly. Right? Except for the fact when reality hits and says, “Do you think your superman? Your putting wayyyy to much on your plate and this load is too heavy for your health.”

I am learning to not always place a burden on myself with accepting to do everything all at once, list after list, but to share the load with others. Which makes my life less stressful and happier.

For Example…

The other day I planned to make breakfast, walk the dog, write a blog, watch some football games, go grocery shopping, oh and put up the Christmas tree! Realizing I was putting too much on my plate, I decided to do half of those things and share the task of grocery shopping with my wife. My wife and I were shopping for groceries (we call this a date, because it is a happy experience being immersed over selecting fun things to cook during the week at home) and when we returned home we have about fifty-seven steps to get to the fourth floor of our apartment (yes, I counted!). My wife went ahead and grabbed what she could out of the car and trotted up the steps to the door. I managed to get a couple of grocery bags out of the trunk and had several trips up and down…. and up and down, and up and…. basically a lot of back and forth. When I get inside, I place the bags all over the kitchen counter and on the floor, my wife picks the items up and puts them where they belong in the refrigerator, cupboards, and pantry.

We work on ways to share the workload to make shopping for groceries less a task and more a fun activity. My wife puts away the grocery items, I run up and down the steps with heavy loads of chicken, soap, and toothpaste enough to feel like Rocky Balboa training for a boxing match.

Here are some benefits of how doing things with others can minimize the burden on YOU?

Joy- I get filled with happiness knowing that I do not have to put so much stress on myself when I can share the tasks/experience with someone else.
Feeling Appreciated- I feel appreciated when someone asks to help me with doing certain tasks as I take a “sigh of relief” and breathe from feeling overwhelmed.
Closeness– At times recognizing the same burden I experience, my co-workers, family and friends knowingly experience as well. So returning the favor of helping others helps to build a strong trusting relationship.

In conclusion, I am someone who likes to plan, achieve and put together a to-do-list, accomplish it all in one day or at one time (which I run out of fumes by the end of the day). But, when I lower my expectations at times and assess what I can do in one day or at one time; I am able to see what tasks I can accomplish by myself, and which ones I need to ask for assistance. I believe if you do things with others you can see the benefits of: Joy, Feeling Appreciated and Closeness and minimize the burden on yourself.

Jana Oliver, Forbidden

“You can’t carry the world on yer shoulders, broad as they are.”
  • How will you share tasks with others to see the benefits it gives you in your life?
  • Do you want to carry every burden on to yourself, or would you feel joy, appreciation, and closeness if you were able to share it with someone?
  • How Doing Things With Others, Minimizes Burden On YOU?

Blue Jacket

Clifton Douyon
Author: Clifton Douyon

Visionary, Speaker, Writer. Hi my name is Clifton Douyon. Looking back, I always felt I was a mediator. Meaning, I loved to gather people together and be in high positive relationships. That's were I sored, felt most comfortable and purpose-driven! I'm a helper and encourager, so I became a nurse. Being a nurse, I have been blessed to help others through difficult challenges in their lives, whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

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