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Une Vision globale de la Beauté et de la Culture Haïtienne

Mother’s Day: Honoring Mothers Across the Globe

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated around the world to honor and appreciate the love, care, and sacrifice of mothers. It is a day dedicated to expressing gratitude and affection towards the incredible women who have played a significant role in our lives. This article delves into the history, origin, and diverse celebrations of Mother’s Day across different cultures.

Mother’s Day – Origin

Mother's Day
KYBELE (Cybele) was the ancient Phrygian Mother of the Gods

The concept of honoring mothers dates back to ancient times. In ancient Greece, the festival of Cybele, a mother goddess, was celebrated to pay tribute to motherhood. Similarly, the ancient Romans celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria, dedicated to Cybele. These festivities laid the groundwork for modern-day Mother’s Day. The modern celebration of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the efforts of Anna Jarvis, an American social activist. Following her mother’s death in 1905, Anna envisioned a day dedicated to honoring mothers. Her tireless advocacy and lobbying led to the official declaration of Mother’s Day as a national holiday in the United States in 1914.

Mother’s Day Around the World

Mother’s Day is celebrated on various dates in different countries, often influenced by historical, cultural, or religious significance. Let’s explore how Mother’s Day is celebrated in different parts of the world:

United States and Canada

In the United States and Canada, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is a time when people express their love and gratitude by giving gifts, sending cards, and spending quality time with their mothers. It is customary to pamper mothers with breakfast in bed or treat them to a special meal.


In Haiti, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. To wish mother happiness a child would say Bòn fèt dè mè, Bonne Fête des Mères or Bòn fèt Manman, and the longstanding tradition is to wear a flower in her honor.(Red if she’s alive, Purple or black if she’s passed away)

United Kingdom

Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom, also known as Mothering Sunday, is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Historically, it was a day when people would visit their “mother” church and reunite with their families. Today, it is a day to honor mothers and show appreciation through cards, flowers, and thoughtful gestures.


In Mexico, Mother’s Day, known as Día de las Madres, is celebrated on May 10th each year. The day is marked by heartfelt tributes, serenades, and the gifting of flowers and cards. Families often gather for festive meals, and children may perform songs or skits to express their love and appreciation.


In India, Mother’s Day is not tied to a specific date but is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, following the American tradition. It has gained popularity in recent years and is observed with gifts, flowers, and acts of kindness toward mothers. Indian culture emphasizes the significance of motherhood, and this occasion provides an opportunity to honor and acknowledge it.


Mother’s Day in Japan, known as Haha no Hi, is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Children often create handmade cards and gifts to express their gratitude. Carnations are a popular flower associated with Mother’s Day in Japan, and families may also visit parks or enjoy outings together.

Unique Traditions

Mother’s Day celebrations are not limited to these countries alone; they occur across the globe with unique customs and traditions. For example, in Ethiopia, a three-day festival called Antrosht is held to honor motherhood, featuring singing, dancing, and a large feast. In Nepal, a festival called Mata Tirtha Aunsi is celebrated, where people honor their mothers by performing religious rituals and offering prayers.


Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a universal celebration that recognizes and appreciates the immense contributions of mothers worldwide. Whether it’s through gifts, acts of service, or spending quality time together, this day allows us to express our love and gratitude for the women who have shaped our lives. By honoring mothers, we acknowledge their unconditional love, selflessness, and the immeasurable impact they have on our lives. While the dates and customs may vary, the essence of Mother’s Day remains constant: to express gratitude and celebrate the remarkable women who have nurtured us.

In a world filled with different cultures and traditions, Mother’s Day serves as a unifying force that transcends borders. It reminds us of the universal bond between a mother and her child and the importance of cherishing and respecting this bond.

While commercial aspects of Mother’s Day have become prominent, it is essential to remember the true essence of the occasion. It is not just about buying gifts or cards but also about expressing sincere emotions and spending quality time with the women we hold dear.

Mother’s Day serves as a reminder to cherish and honor mothers not just on a designated day but throughout the year. It is a celebration that reminds us to acknowledge and value the immeasurable contributions of mothers in shaping our lives, families, and society as a whole.

Let this day serve as a reminder to express your gratitude and love for the extraordinary women who have nurtured you. Let us celebrate Mother’s Day with utmost joy and appreciation, making every effort to show our mothers how truly special they are.

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